Friday, November 5, 2021

Walked in place to Apple News Today and Fifth and Mission podcasts on Apple TV then to various YouTube videos. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, diced dried plums, water. Followup with automated listserv problem and learned that it can take 10 days for new hires to be added. Helped Julia M with some markup issues on her site. Followup with Julia D email address change which didn't go as smoothly as expected. Styling work: zebra-striped tables for Anne for Calpoison. Lunch at home: leftovers from Chaiya Thai. Read CSS Layout News 327. Encountered more problems with BetterTouchTool and secure input activated. I was unable to resolve them even after a restart and even after setting it to use the old keyboard implementation, so I'm temporarily not using BetterTouchTool. UCSF town hall while strengthening with leg weights. Dinner at home with Patrick: tofu and broccoli curry over coconut brown rice. Dessert: dark chocolate Petit Pot. We watched YouTube videos then Foundation s1:e8 on Apple TV+ then Sex Education s3:e7 on Netflix instant watch while I walked in place to part of it. Patrick went to bed. Late meal: leftovers from Chaiya Thai. Dessert: one chocolate-covered macadamia nut, warm milk.