Friday, October 22, 2021

Had a little trouble sleeping last night. Slept in. Listened to Apple News Today podcast on Apple TV while not doing much running. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, sliced dried plums, Uncle Sam cereal, half of a warmed Jane the Bakery pumpkin croissant shared with Patrick, water. Review inbox work. Shared with Patrick a warmed Jane the Bakery cardamom lattice bun, milk. D8 styling and other front end work. UCSF town hall. Dinner at home with Patrick: Martha Stewart's Late-Night Pasta with angel hair, fried egg, rotisserie chicken, and bacon; water. Dessert: Jane the Bakery cake with pistachio and strawberry, side scoop of sicilian pistachio ice cream. Afterwards Patrick shared photos from his staycation. We had trouble using AirPlay from his iPhone to our Apple TV. Later we realized the problem: the Apple TV had my account specified and not his. Changing AirPlay settings on the Apple TV to permit access to anyone on the same network solved it. None of the available instructions found on the web gave this solution, however. We watched Foundation s1:e6 on Apple TV+. Patrick went to bed.