Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Ran in place to various podcasts on Apple Podcasts via Apple TV. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, sliced banana; water. Sprint standup. D8 Docker and Docksal rebuild. Answered some branding questions for Lisa C. Lunch: leftover wild rice with leftover sauteed napa cabbage and dried shrimp, water. Town hall Mailchimp campaign template work and build. Dean's Office meeting. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, pumpkin pie spice, golden raisins; water. Resolved a credit card problem. Dinner at home with Patrick: veggie and tofu stir-fry over steamed brown rice, water. Afterwards white wine while finishing Amelie on CBS All Access then warmed cookies while we watched The Clone Wars s1:e2 on Disney+ then finished watching Tom Papa: You're Doing Great! on Netflix instant watch then Pixar Popcorn s1 episodes 1 through 4 on Disney+.