Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Ran in place to various podcasts on Apple Podcasts via Apple TV. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, sliced banana; water. Sprint standup. D8 sprint start. Twitter embed work for Arkin Lab. Lunch at home: half enchilada, water. 1:1 with Anne. Styling work: resolve Vimeo sizing problems. Read CSS Layout News 284. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, pumpkin pie spice, raspberries; water. Mailing list updates: PhD students, HR. Dinner at home with Patrick: Guerra's crab cakes with tartar sauce, deli tuscan kale and quinoa salad with garbanzos and ranch dressing, water. Patrick also had the remainder of his fries from last night. Afterwards we watched part of Saturday Night Fever on Netflix DVD. I realize that I had never seen this film before. Late snack: seaweed. Listened to a New York Times article by Gabrielle Hamilton.