Monday, December 28, 2020

Vacation day 10 of 16 during COVID-19 shelter in place. Ran in place to various clips on YouTube. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, sliced banana; water. All day: continued working on Patrick's new website in Grav. Lunch: the remainder of ramen from last night. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, pumpkin pie spice, raisins; water. Dinner at home with Patrick: I prepared linguine with peas, spinach, mozzarella, lemon, romano, butter, olive oil, garlic. Patrick washed dishes. Dessert for me only: a few bites of holiday chocolates. Afterwards we watched and enjoyed Over The Moon on Netflix instant watch. Patrick went to bed. I washed more dishes. Listened to Revisionist History s1:e1 and s1:e2 on Apple Podcasts on Apple TV. Some gifts arrived today: bath supplies from Tina and a photo calendar from Dex. Late snack: havarti on toasted ciabatta slices, water.