Monday, November 30, 2020
Worked from home. Sprint standup. Ran in place to Glee s2:e1 on Amazon Prime Video on Apple TV. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, diced pear; water. D8 sprint start meeting with Eric and James. Letterhead work. Filed my timesheet. BP small web edit. Read NNGroup's email newsletter. D8 content types work: job listing, gallery, IEF table view mode. D7 styling work: resolve problems with link offsite icons on grad programs sites. Lunch at home with Patrick: leftovers from last night's dinner, water. Worked outside in the back yard for a few hours. Dinner at home with Patrick: pork tacos with refried black beans, water. I washed dishes. Afterwards we watched Warrior s1:e3 on SFPL DVD then Comedy Central channel on YouTube then the new opening to Black Panther paying tribute to Chadwick Boseman. Patrick went to bed. Late snack: seaweed; oil-free, salt-free popcorn. Ran in place to Glee s2:e2 on Amazon Prime Video on Apple TV.