Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Ran in place to various clips on YouTube. Breakfast at home: medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, diced banana; water. Worked from home. Sprint standup. MAK seed award updates. 1:1 with Eric. PC Intranet quarterly news build in Mailchimp on and off all day. Lunch at home: I prepared for myself a black forest ham and cheddar sandwich with lettuce and mayo on previously frozen wheat bread. Web maintenance tasks meeting with Anne. Ergonomics for Longer-Term Remote Work Zoom webinar. Finished creating a CP joint faculty page. Snack: Annie's cheddar squares, unsalted pistachios, water. A little bit of D8 work: updated local config following changes by James. Dinner at home with Patrick: mushroom and sausage risotto with focaccia, water. Afterwards we drank Manhattans and watched part of the presidential debate between Trump and Biden. It was painful to view because of the frequently overlapping speaking. After a while it became unwatchable, and we instead watched various clips on YouTube. Patrick went to bed. I troubleshot our Internet connection. Configuring newer devices to connect only to the 5 GHz network seemed to make a big difference. I had tried this in the past but somehow only now did I seem to be satisfied with the results. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, pumpkin pie spice, raspberries; water. Washed lots of dishes. Late meal: pasta o's from a can, water.