Thursday, September 24, 2020

Ran in place to the remainder of Beastie Boys Story on Apple TV+ on my iPad Pro—loved it. Breakfast at hoem: oatmeal with milk, pumpkin pie spiced, diced banana, dried tart cherry; water. Worked from home. Sprint standup. Letterhead followup for Karen H. D8 work. Washed dishes. Patrick returned from practice and grocery shopping with Sam. Lunch at home: leftover noodle stir-fry, water. Snack with Patrick: we shared a donut muffin that we got yesterday from Devil's Teeth—delicious. Washed dishes. PC news build with Cheryl C and Emma G in prep for quarterly news email. Afternoon snack: an orange. D8 work. Dinner at home with Patrick: red beans with smoked sausage, previously frozen; steamed white rice; we split a bacon and cheddar biscuit from Devil's Teeth Baking Company; water. Zoom happy hour chat with The Group With No Name. Patrick made us dry manhattans because we needed to use some vermouth that had been open a while. Afterwards we watched various clips on YouTube. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, raisins; water. Prepped the transfer of apps and data on our old MacBook Air to Patrick's old MacBook Pro using Migration Assistant.