Monday, September 21, 2020

Ran in place to Medical Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths e23: Medical Myths from around the World on Kanopy. Late breakfast: medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, pumpkin pie spice, diced nectarine; water. Worked from home. Sprint standup. D8 sprint meeting. D8 work: investigate MS Stream video module. Resolved a lot of support inbox tasks. Lunch: pita with fixins. Read CSS Layout News 268. Lab website kickoff with Andrew N and Michael G. Asana task followup. Began building a Photoshop comp of screenshots that Jon R took at the White Coat Celebration. Dinner at home with Patrick: seitan stir-fry with broccoli rabe and red bell pepper, steamed white rice, water. I washed dishes. Afterwards we watched Star Trek: The Original Series s1:e28 The City on the Edge of Forever on CBS All Access. Dessert: chocolate chip cookies, previously frozen, milk. Washed dishes. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, blackberries; water. Washed dishes. White Coat Celebration photo editing.