Thursday, September 17, 2020
Ran in place to Medical Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths: What We Think We Know May Be Hurting Us e6: Probiotics and Our Bacterial Friends on Kanopy. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, diced banana; water. Worked from home. Web edits: Education Unit. D8 theme work for James's image module. Small meal: leftover risotto. Patrick and I used a Getaround car near us today. He dropped me at UCSF Parnassus then continued without me to do some grocery shopping. I got my flu shot. The process was pretty simple. I entered at the hospital emergency entrance. A staffperson gave me a free surgical mask to exchange for the one I was wearing. I continued to Moffitt Cafe. There was no person at the entrance to greet me, so it took a few minutes for me to figure out where to stand to wait in line. Arriving at around 10:20 am, there were only about six persons ahead of me, so I did not wait long. The shot procedure was normal except I wore my mask the whole time and the providers wore PPE, some including face shields. I waited in the Med Sci lobby for Patrick to return. We drove home. Nap. Continued D8 work attempting to override a template but failed to find adequate instructions for doing so in a module. One page had incomplete and poorly explained documentation. Another page had a message thread with dozens of messages of people trying to figure it out. Small meal: leftover spaghetti. Created new test Teams teams: PLC and Other. Met with Anne to handle some web editing tasks that Eric assigned us. Patrick and I drove to Filoli to enjoy the gardens—no indoor tours in the mansion permitted. The early evening weather was warm and sunny. We enjoyed walking the grounds, Patrick's first time seeing Filoli in daylight. At one point we notably saw a banana slug. Afterwards at the cafe we ate chicken pesto on focaccia sandwiches. Patrick had a small glass of sauv blanc, rose for me. About $51 for the food. Patrick said the tickets were $25 each. Essentially everyone wore masks and adhered to social distancing guidelines. There were many guests, but it didn't feel crowded. Drove home. Patrick went to bed and will return the Getaround car in the morning. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, pumpkin pie spice, diced banana; water.