Thursday, September 10, 2020
Roku restarted unexpectedly while running in place while watching Sci-Phi: Science Fiction as Philosophy e4: The Adjustment Bureau, the Force, and Fate and I hadn't yet seen The Adjustment Bureau, so this convinced me to skip this one for now and instead I watched Sci-Phi: Science Fiction as Philosophy e6: Arrival: Aliens and Radical Transformation. Breakfast at home: small bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, diced banana; water. Worked from home. Sprint standup. Published a QBI event for Carolina L. Followup on various tasks and chat threads. Chatted briefly with cousin Alex who had a question about Macs. Small meal: leftover steamed broccoli, hummus with warm pita, leftover french fries. Siteimprove linkchecking followup with Anne. SharePoint sync troubleshooting. Various task followup. School Town Hall. Followup to the error in the Zoom link for the town hall. Orgchart and web pages work: Add Robyn K. Followup with Liana and Shalimar and Eric about the MAK Seed Award application process. Published another QBI event for Carolina L. Dinner at home with Patrick: chicken florentine penne, water. Zoom chat with The Group With No Name. Cocktail for me only: fleur de lis. Walked in place while rewatching Sci-Phi: Science Fiction as Philosophy e3: The Matrix Sequels and Human Free Will, this time with Patrick watching. Small bowl of oatmeal with milk, pumpkin pie spice, diced banana; water.