Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor holiday. Slept in. When I awoke Patrick and Sam had gone to practice martial arts and run errands. I ran in place to Sci-Phi: Science Fiction as Philosophy e3: The Matrix Sequels and Human Free Will. Patrick returned with a half dozen of doughnuts from Krispy Kreme: pumpkin spice cinnamon roll, glazed chocolate cake, glazed sour cream cake, chocolate-iced Bavarian cream, strawberry-iced sprinkles, Oreo cream. Breakfast at home: small bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, blueberries, diced banana; water. Patrick and I shared two of the donuts: pumpkin spice cinnamon roll and chocolate-iced Bavarian cream. Patrick had his with coffee with milk. Cleaned the bathtub, showered. Walked to the mailbox and back. Nap. Snack: sweet potato chips. Received an unsolicited phone call from 415-269-5638 (San Francisco, CA) which from the voicemail left appears to be a scam because a description of this scam appeared on In the evening PurpleAir reported that air quality had returned to good, so I opened the windows for a while to let some fresh air inside. Dinner at home with Patrick: chicken fricasse with vermouth (via The New York Times), focaccia roll with heirloom tomato and olive oil, water for me and sparkling water for Patrick. Dessert: the remainder of the donuts: glazed chocolate cake, glazed sour cream cake. Afterwards I rewatched Sci-Phi: Science Fiction as Philosophy e1: Inception and the Interpretation of Art on Kanopy this time with Patrick watching as well. Car shopping research. Over the past few days we have been rethinking about getting a new or used car. Options like Getaround are okay, but it's not as unlock-and-go as they make it sound. After walking a few blocks to the car, we still have to document the outside for (lack of) scratches and dents, take a selfie with driver's license, record the odometer, and so forth, before uploading it all. Doing this once in a while is tolerable, but if we wanted a car more frequently it's perhaps too tedious to tolerate. Our pandemic-era incentives: primarily for groceries that we can't get delivered and secondarily for activites that enable us to more quickly, easily, and flexibly get away from home, whether that's a weekender or a day trip or lunch in Golden Gate Park. Still not sure if we will do it, but we are thinking about it. Small bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, currants; water. Weeded Google Contacts.