Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Ran in place to part of Banksy and the Rise of Outlaw Art on Amazon Prime Video. Worked from home. Sprint standup. Breakfast at home: small bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, diced nectarine. Met with James to discuss D8 work: image styles. Met with Eric and Anne to discuss content liaisons and web content maintenance. Small meal: leftover risotto. Long nap. D8 theme work: breakpoints build, began image styles work. Followup with Jon R and Josh L about a job posting. Began erasing and returning the new Mac Mini and returning Luna Display. Luna Display did work, but for me it was too problematic for a lot of different reasons. The keyboard shortcuts were different, e.g., Cmd+Option+Q to quit an app rather than Cmd+Q. Luna Display did not remember my display preference to mirror. Luna Display did not enable me to interact with macOS as easily as with a laptop, and some things were impossible to interact with. A keyboard and pointing device were still occasionally needed before the OS loaded, making the true headless Mac Mini via iPad with Luna Display not feasible for me. I had Unified Remote and BetterTouchTool Remote to fall back on, but this is already too many layers of frustration. Dinner at home with Patrick: red beans and rice with smoked sausage, water. Dessert for Patrick only: a slice of Patrick's German chocolate cake, previously frozen; milk. Erased the Mac Mini and reinstalled macOS Catalina. Watched Hollywood s1:e1 on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. Late small meal: leftover asparagus cavatappi, water.