Sunday, August 30, 2020

Ran in place to more of Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood on Kanopy. Breakfast at home: small order of oatmeal with pumpkin pie spice and diced nectarine; water. Cleaned the bathroom. Cut my hair, showered. Lunch: small taco similar to yesterday with water. Patrick left to meet with Sam. Small meal: leftover risotto, water. Continued playing Broken Age on my iPad Pro. Dinner at home with Patrick: delivery from Perilla on Haight via Uber Eats: imperial rolls, satay five-spice chicken pho for me, five-spice chicken and vermicelli for Patrick. Patrick made a kind of thai iced tea using a hazelnut coffee substitute. Sealed the ceiling vent in our bedroom identically to yesterday. Finished rewatching Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker on Netflix DVD with Patrick.