Thursday, August 13, 2020

Ran in place to Containment s1:e2 on Netflix instant watch. Breakfast at home: oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, blueberries, diced banana; one third cup of hot coffee with milk; water. Worked from home. Sprint standup. Followup with Charly, Marissa, and Greg C about an old server closure. Departing employee activity: Ellie V. Siteimprove linkchecking and policy work. White Coat invitation list build work and followup with Eric and Jon. Followup on PC server sunset. Minor edits for Nicole F for Biophysics. Followup with IT about tinyurl changes. Continuing the Conversation Zoom meeting wherein we all got bounced multiple times so it was decided we should reschedule. The first time I had ever experienced Zoom being completely unreliable. D8 styling work: finally got my head around no longer having a max-width for the page and wrapped more around Every Layout axioms, particularly when I found that multiple body columns can be reliably responsive. Also the sidebar layout needs to have a fixed measurement like 30ch for the sidebar rather than a percentage like 33%. Helped the team with the UFD publish and html email announcement in Mailchimp. Today was the first warm and sunny day in what feels like six weeks. I worked for a short time outside in the back yard after lunching outside: ramen in veggie and chicken broth with sliced zucchini, squash, and carrots with egg, seaweed, and parsley. Dinner at home with Patrick: veal schnitzel with German cucumber salad, water. Dessert for me only: two Altoid mints, two coconut-lime-macadamia-nut cookies, Firelit (Weavers) on the rocks. Afterwards we read from dead tree edition books. Patrick washed dishes. Then we watched Amazing Stories s1:e4 on Apple TV+. Patrick went to bed.