Monday, August 3, 2020
Ran in place watching part of Miss Representation on Netflix instant watch. Breakfast at home: oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, diced peach; half cup of hot coffee with milk. Worked from home. Siteimprove linkchecking. Sprint standup. OneDrive sync problem followup. Followup with wysiwyg slowness and other performance issues. Met with Grant, Levi, and Eric to discuss photography strategy during a pandemic. Edited an event for Carolina L. Reported a problem with the Communicators website to the identity team. Followup with PC intranet project. Researched Zoom backgrounds and photography tips. Lunch at home: leftover garlic noodles from Perilla, side of bok choy and broccoli, water. Read NNGroup's email newsletter. Updated the curriculum chart again for Cindy. Weeded web editors from pharm. Notified site owners, editors, and stakeholders of a recent problem that was resolved (wysiwyg and other slowness). PC Intranet build. Photo guide build. Followup with Brand Comm on guidance for obtaining consent releases remotely. Responded to a problem report from Julia M about the BioI faculty page. Dinner at home with Patrick: beer-braised pork and root vegetables stew, water. Finished watching Tootsie on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. I washed dishes. Patrick went to bed. Continued troubleshooting OneDrive sync problems. Updates and backups for home devices.