Friday, July 31, 2020
Ran in place to the remainder of Blackfish on Netflix instant watch. Breakfast at home: oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, blueberries; water. Worked from home. Siteimprove linkchecking. Sprint standup. Letterhead build for Jacqueline. PC intranet build. Met with Marissa L to go over some web editing tasks and chatted with Teaster about home internet. Letterhead build for Andrew A. Lunch at home: I prepared for myself stir-fried mushrooms, bok choy, and spinach and ate that on a bed of leftover rice mixed with roasted chicken broth. Followup with a logo use request. More PC intranet build. D8 sprint recap meeting with Eric and James. Team social meeting wherein Eric introduced us to a fun online game called skribbl. Continued OneDrive sync troubleshooting now with instructions from Microsoft. Dinner at home with Patrick: crab cakes with asparagus, bacon, spinach, and boiled egg salad and honey mustard dressing; side of corn-mozzarella biscuit; water. I washed dishes. Patrick went to bed. Continued OneDrive sync problem troubleshooting. It now is mostly resolved. Late snack: a bowl of cherries.