Saturday, July 11, 2020
Ran in place to the remainder to Nuremberg, Germany Walking Tour (4k Ultra HD 60fps) via BookingHunterTV then part of Walking in the ALHAMBRA Partal Garden - GRANADA / Spain 🇪🇸- 4K 60fps (UHD) via POPtravel then revisited part of South Beach Miami Virtual Run - Awesome Beach Treadmill Scenery for Running & Walking via Treadily on YouTube. Breakfast at home: oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, diced pear; half cup of coffee with milk; water. Washed my orthotics. Cleaned the tub and shower. Cut my hair, showered. Rested in bed. Lunch at home with Patrick: leftovers from last night. Almost took a walk but it was too cold for sandals and my orthotics were still drying. Instead I continued reading from James Hamblin's If Our Bodies Could Talk in the sun in the back yard. Ate one coffee and condensed milk popsicle. Washed some windows. Watched part of The Art of Self Defense on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Dinner at home with Patrick: zucchini and spinach vegan lasagna, water. I washed dishes. Patrick did today's yoga on his own then went to bed. I watched Antman and the Wasp on Netflix instant watch.