Thursday, April 16, 2020
Woke too early, around 5 AM, and so I listened to Tom Gale Hypnotherapy - Hypnosis for deep sleep, relaxation and confidence via Hypno Tom on YouTube. Woke. Ran in place with Patrick to Brandywine Falls Virtual Run in Cuyahoga Falls and then Las Mareas Costa Rica Virtual Run, both via Treadmill TV on YouTube. Breakfast at home by myself: oatmeal with milk, raspberries, diced kiwi, diced pineapple, dessicated coconut; water. Worked from home. Siteimprove work. Continued metatag setup for Open Graph. Sprint standup. Met with Diana K, Liana C, and Eric to prep for automatically maintained mailing lists. Began editing Marilyn's COVID-19 story for Grant. Lunch at home with Patrick: shakshuka, water. Continued then finished editing. Lots of Siteimprove policy work. Gave feedback and a few small edits to Levi on a story he posted. Gave feedback to and helped Grant and Susie stage Marilyn's COVID-19 story. Dinner at home with Patrick: flank steak over creamy polenta with sauteed red bell peppers, water. Watched YouTube. Patrick went to bed. Late snack: oil-free, salt-free popcorn from the microwave popcorn popper, one lemon poppyseed cookie from Boulder Cookie. Nightcap: hot milk with a shot of Disaronno