Sunday, April 12, 2020

After not finding a walking tour suitable for our running in place exercise, we ran in place to part of Assisi, Italy 2019 Walking Tour (4K/60fps) via Prowalk Tours on YouTube. Breakfast at home with Patrick: oatmeal with milk, diced banana, and nutmet; water. Pulled some old Kable Kontrol floor cord covers from the garage, reworked it to lay flat with dumbbells, and used it to manage cables to my work laptop on the dining table. Vacuumed. Patrick made a citrus water cake containing vanilla bean, orange juice, lemon juice, lime juice, and limoncello, then he made muffins containing banana, chocolate, coconut, pecan, banana liqueur, and wheat bran. The water cake turned out to be a failed experiment, and Patrick discarded it. The muffins worked out well, though. Shower. Cocktails with Patrick: strawberry margaritas. Watched part of Ip Man 4 purchased from Apple. House chores: dishes, bed making. Patrick did laundry. Cable management in the small office. Unloaded photos from my iPhone X. Weeded password manager entries. Dinner at home with Patrick: roasted red wine and garlic sausage with onions, sauteed broccoli di ciccio and yellow bell pepper; mine also included quinoa; water. Rewatched the first 41 minutes of The Incredibles 2 on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. Patrick went to bed. I washed dishes. Weeded password manager entries.