Thursday, March 12, 2020

Ran in place while watching part of Walking around Downtown Fullerton, California USA 🎧 Binaural City Sound 【4K】 via Wind Walk Travel Videos on YouTube with Patrick. Breakfast at home with Patrick: Bob's Red Mill creamy wheat hot cereal with some Bob's Red Mill wheat bran sprinkled in, with milk, diced pear, and currants. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Siteimprove work: linkchecking. Continued research and prep work for rewriting our css completely from scratch in preparation for our D7 to D8 migration. Sprint standup, including discussion and agreement that we would begin 5-days-per-week telecommuting tomorrow to support social distancing precautions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: roasted turkey and sliced tomato sandwiches on brioche toast, side salad with ranch dressing. I returned to work because I forgot something. Returned home. Sewing projects: repaired by hand a small puncture in my Patagonia jacket, repaired by hand a loose button on Patrick's Bonobos butterfly shirt. Recharge Medical work: MB project 1. Late snack: oil-free, salt-free popcorn from the microwave popcorn popper.