Thursday, February 13, 2020
Ran Florence, Italy Walking Tour (4k Ultra HD 60fps) via BookingHunterTV on YouTube. Left home without eating breakfast. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. On the 1BX the 3rd grade class of George Peobody Elementary joined our ride. It was crowded and unusual, and I had a nice chat with one adult and child. Sprint standup was late, so I walked to Rigolo for a breakfast sandwich, which turned out larger than I wanted. I ate half the sandwich, the side of fried potatoes, and took the other sandwich half to go. D8 migration meeting for Levi and Grant with Eric and James. Styled The Archive after James did some upgrading. Siteimprove policy work, including resolving a few occurrences of mixed http and https content. Lately I have been receiving what seems to be either an autodialer or a fax machine repeatedly calling me at work from both 1-628-242-2812 (four times on February 12) and 1-628-242-2817 (three times on February 13). The voicemail it leaves is a pattern of short beep then silence then short beep and silence and it repeats. I don't know how to make it stop. Prepped an announcement about the availability of the School's editorial style guide. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: orecchiette with broccoli sauce, side of slices of Firebrand sourdough batard, water. Dessert: leftover chocolate cake that we had stored in the freezer, water. Patrick picked up his repaired laptop today, so I migrated documents that he had worked on and set everything back the way it was before. I encountered some problems with accessing network folders that remained unresolved when I went to bed late.