Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Walked indoors, ate one clementine mandarin and one navel orange, both of which had one seed each. Returned to bed for an hour. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights, running a few errands along the way. Breakfast at desk: egg and vegetable burrito. Siteimprove work: misspelled words, broken links. Read CSS Layout News 234 and the NNGroup newsletter. Spam management in Proofpoint. Re-setup devices with a third-party security software solution. Email signatures for Plancomm work. More Siteimprove work: misspelled words. Lunch: oil-free, salt-free popcorn from the microwave popcorn popper; prunes. Walked and rode Muni to a doctor appointment. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: saffron and mushroom risotto, pretzel roll, water. Washed dishes.