Friday, November 22, 2019

Breakfast at home: one toasted thin bagel with cream cheese, hot water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Virtual sprint standup. Continued converting TRANSPERS newsletters from PDF to HTML. Snack: leftovers from yesterday's lunch. Rode Muni to a doctor appointment and back, stopping for lunch at Pho Vietnam (415-921-1901, 1406 Polk St) for bbq chicken with vermicelli and nước mắm with thai iced tea: $19.03 before a $3 tip. Paused converting TRANSPERS newsletters from PDF to HTML since some of them were image-only PDFs and running OCR on them resulted in space characters strewn throughout, so I decided to ask Michael and Kathryn if they have the Microsoft Word originals. Michael pointed me to Constant Contact archives for about half of them, so I can continue to work on those while they find the rest later. More conversion work. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: carnitas and mushroom enchiladas with refried beans, Hint water. Watched Dark Phoenix on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Patrick went to bed. I made adjustments to the power cable routing for the router, washed dishes, cleaned the range and range hood, set the range hood grease filter soak overnight in ammonia inside a 2.5-gallon ziploc bag, and tidied in the bathroom. To bed late.