Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Walked to breakfast at El Antigua Cafe: breakfast burrito with bacon, spinach tortilla, hot water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. 1:1 with Eric. Webadmin team meeting. Lunch: no-salt, no-oil popcorn from a microwave silicone popcorn popper. Lots of calendar management. Sent requests for updating our mailing list before the next Update from the Dean. Watched Building More Expressive Products by Val Head on An Event Apart. Walked and rode Muni home, stopping at Cal-Mart for groceries along the way. Dinner at home with Patrick: I prepared salmon fillets from frozen in tikka masala from a jar with sauteed carrots, parsley, and garlic. San Pell for Patrick, Hint water for me. Dessert for me only: white pistachio gelato. Amputagged a long-sleeve shirt for Patrick while he was wearing it, then repaired it because I had accidentally removed too many stitches. Packed for a short trip. Late snack: blue corn chips.