Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Breakfast at home: egg whites and cheddar on toasted english muffin, one pint of water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. Continued helping Joel resolve a problem with his personal MacBook Air. Chatted with someone from IT about the stability of wifi in the office and about an issue with the shared office laptop. Lunch: two half Subway sandwiches left over from P3 reorientation: one veggie, one BLT. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Handled a request from Julia to add some text info and a link to the BI and CCB alumni pages. Followup with Phillip B about new content for the Academic Affairs website (or maybe the Faculty Resources website). Worked with Joel to make our logo in the Virtual Career Fair not so gigantic. Calendar management. Walked and rode Muni home, stopping at Rigolo on the way home. We had planned to have minestrone and warm bread for dinner, but it was too hot, so instead I picked up a cobb salad and a tuna salad sandwich with mesclun. I drank water. Patrick had club soda flavored with homemade masala syrup. Later I did more Recharge Medical web work. We had had plans to attend Cabaret Karaoke at Feinstein's but canceled at the last minute.