Saturday, August 10, 2019
More tweaking of linklint configuration. Breakfast at home: roast beef and swiss with dried thyme on toasted english muffin, a small side of granola with yogurt and chopped brazil nuts, one pint of hot water. House chores: vacuumed, cleaned the filter on the small vacuum cleaner. Cut my hair, showered. Lunch with Patrick: grilled roast beef and swiss sandwich. Helped Patrick create a new profile on his MacBook Pro in order to alleviate what is probably a corrupted profile causing slowness in all kinds of apps. Finished watching Stranger by the Lake on Netflix DVD. Neither of us liked the film very much. It had good acting but the pacing was too slow, the plot wasn't very interesting, and the dialog was boring. We're not sure how it has 6.8 on IMDB. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftover fusilli with side salad with croutons and olive oil dressing, hot water for me, sparkling water for Patrick. Continued new profile setup. Patrick went to bed. Late snack: two red Twizzlers, some plantain chips, water. Late meal: dried fruit, chicken noodle soup from a can, water.