Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Breakfast at home: one-egg breakfast burrito, one pint of hot water. Helped Patrick work around some mail connection issues. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. 1:1 with Eric then webadmin meeting. Created and delivered a digital letterhead template for postdoc JM. Followup with QBI team on setup for events postings. Answered several questions from Angela about web editing issues. Followup with Diana K about the June report. Chatted briefly with Eric, Grant, and Levi about 360-degree interactive video. Began gathering stats on our panelizer layout usage in prep for our Drupal 8 migration. Asana task followup: no ability to edit slideshow image titles reported by Paul K. No lunch; snacked on some pistachios and dried fruit. Dinner at home with Patrick: bowl of two-mushroom soup, homemade biscuit from frozen for me, slice of bread with butter for Patrick, Hint water. Dessert for me: one small piece of dark chocolate with toffee, one red Twizzler. Patrick took a bath. Did research regarding the confusing nightmare that has become trying to use a Java application in a home or work setting without paying a license to Oracle (or anyone) and remaining safe from security threats and threats of having violated a license agreement. House chores: washed dishes, made a new batch of ice. Late meal: leftover steamed white rice with leftover ragu.