Thursday, July 25, 2019
Breakfast at home: leftover indian food with steamed white rice, water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. Recorded audio and took photos at the Becoming a Pharmacist Panel, part of orientation for our newest PharmD students. I filled in for Grant and Levi who were both unavailable. Joel moderated. The panelists were BJG, Marilyn S, resident CB, and student RT. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Began setup for QBI people to post events to our websites. Processed audio and photos. Various task followup, including the start of some Qualtrics theme work. Reset my local dev mirror in Dropbox; decided I can deal with the symlinks after all. Walked and rode Muni home, stopping at Walgreens along the way for a few items. Dinner at home with Patrick: blanched kale chiffonade with linguine in beef and mushroom ragu. Dessert: caramel toffee ice cream sundae for Patrick, burgundy cherry gelato and side of TJ's chocolate-pistachio toffee for me. Rested while Patrick went to sleep. Arose. House chores. More local dev sync setup, successfully got journal sync working again. Resolved problems with linklint not checking https sites by downgrading from version 2.3.6.c to 2.4.beta—it works! Resolved broken links in Corinna's and Tina's websites.