Monday, July 22, 2019
Breakfast at home: one apple, one toasted everything bagel with whipped cream cheese and zaatar, one pint of hot water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Sprint standup. Continued resolving issues with headings out of order. Helped Leslie F with a request for changes to fellowship pages. Snacked on nuts and dried fruit. Permissions granting for LW microsite. D8 discussion in Jira. Rode Uber Pool to the Mission. Met Patrick at Alamo Drafthouse. Walked to dinner at the extremely noisy El Techo Lolinda: pacifico for Patrick, margarita for me, guac and chips then pollo en adobo to share. Service by Greycy was good. Afterwards we saw and enjoyed The Farewell at Alamo Drafthouse. This film felt very real to me in that it matched a lot of my experiences. We recommend it. Rode UberX home. Rested while Patrick went to bed. Arose. Continued troubleshooting linkchecker issues for home websites. To bed at 1:20 am.