Thursday, July 18, 2019
Breakfast at home: breakfast burrito, one pint of hot water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Asana task followup. Sprint standup. Automated news followup with Eric and Susie. Encountered a discrepancy with data that HR sent us, followed up with Diana K and Luke H. Cleaned my desktop. Uploaded photos of Parnassus to The Archive and my personal Flickr account. Lunch: nuts and dried fruit, water. Drupal template work: change the search block title from h2 to div because it comes before each page's h1. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: mushroom quesadilla with fixins, water. To bed early. Woke around 11 pm. Had three teaspoons of caramel toffee ice cream. Stopped trying to use Dropbox to sync local dev for home websites because I realized only now that it doesn't properly support symlinks. Did some travel preparation. Back to bed around 3 am.