Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Breakfast at home with Patrick: half everything bagel with cream cheese and za'atar, yogurt with fresh fruit and other fixins, 8 ounces of orange juice. I also had a pint of hot water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Sprint standup. Siteimprove work: linkchecking and more. Lunch: nuts and dried fruit. Continued manually migrating old School of Pharmacy newsletters from PDF to HTML. Created a two-person headshot comp for Levi. Errand: liquor store. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: white bean, tomato, and sausage ragù with orecchiette, red wine, Hint watermelon. Afterwards we watched 30 minutes of Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé on Netflix instant watch.