Friday, February 8, 2019
Breakfast at home with Patrick: pain perdu with peaches (from frozen), maple syrup, and diced pecans; hot assam tea. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Installed Karabiner Elements which was formerly known as KeyRemap4MacBook so that I could disable only CommandLeft+Tab the overuse of which over many decades I suspect has been causing pain and numbness in my left hand and wrist. I spent over an hour trying to figure it out and failed, though I did find a lot of interesting key mappings which led me to a lot of interesting ergonomic keyboards. I posted a question to the Google Group for it but since there seem to be a lot of unanswered posts I am not hopeful for a reply or solution. Recently at my work telephone I have been receiving voicemail messages from a scammer. The phone number that appears for me is 1-877-799-0999 "TOLL FREE CALL". I received two identical voicemails about two hours apart. So annoying. Styling work. Susie said to go home early. Rode Uber Pool home. Cocktails with Patrick: plantation punch. Dinner at home with Patrick: tortellini in pork bone brodo. Watched half of Star Trek: Discovery s2:e3.