Saturday, January 19, 2019
Breakfast at home with Patrick: I made breakfast goulash tacos. Nap with Patrick. Shower. Nap by myself. Started my haircut, showered. Lunch: leftover enchiladas. Finished my haircut, showered. Patrick made buttermilk cornbread today, and we each tried a small piece. Finished watching In Bruges on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Continued reviewing SpamSieve activity, finally figuring out that I can safely delete messages in the Spam folder as long as they are correctly spam. Later I rode Uber Pool to 15th Avenue House for dinner with Phil, Drew, Danny, Romy, Richard, Michael, Quyen, Dave, Chris, Nate, Jonathan, and Paul. Paul stayed awhile then left just before we ate dinner to attend Genentech's holiday party at the Exploratorium. Dinner: linguini with marinara, caesar salad, warm bread, warm Patrick's cornbread. During dinner we played What I Learned Today. (Mine: Bruges is in Belgium.) Dessert: we celebrated two birthdays with a tiramisu ice cream cake. Rode UberX home. Late meal: miso ramen from a package to which I added ingredients found in the fridge: carrot, green onion, parsley, chicken. Washed dishes before bed.