Sunday, January 13, 2019
Breakfast: an apple. Lots of house chores. Lunch at King of Thai Noodle: steamed chicken with rice, thai iced tea. Jacket shopping by myself. Rode Uber Pool Express to Fjällräven. Walked and rode Muni to REI. Walked to Sports Basement. Walked and rode Muni home. Failed again trying to find a jacket to replace my silver-gray jacket from Zara Boys that meets my requirements. Notably, hoods that roll into the collar have mostly fallen out of fashion, and I don't know why. Some still exist, but so far I have been finding that those don't meet my other requirements. Dinner at home with Patrick: noodle miso soup with vegetables. I made a simple daiquiri for us to drink along with Hint. Recently I learned that Apple AirDrop from an iOS device to a Mac fails to preserve a photo's date created whereas if you instead import the photo by USB-to-Lightning cable and Image Capture then the date created is preserved. This question was answered poorly or incorrectly or incompletely (depending on how you look at it) by an experienced person in an Apple community forum. Also recently I learned by trial and error how to resolve a duplicate mount point problem on a Mac. When this happens a drive name appears in /Volumes with -1 or -2 or -3 and so forth. In Terminal: Step 1: cd /Volumes . Step 2: sudo umount [drivename]* . A -1 or -2 or -3 drive might remain. Step 3: df. Step 4: check that the drive name no longer appears anywhere in the df result. If so: Step 5: sudo rm -rf [drivename]* should be safe to do. Step 6: remount the problematic drive as you normally would. For me this has consistently resolved the problem without needing to restart the Mac. If this still doesn't resolve the problem, I suggest restarting and checking for the problem. If the problem remains, repeat the steps again, and see if it resolves it that time. Optionally you can run df before step 2 to confirm that any mounted drive was removed in step 5. Somewhere in my outing today I lost my Lightning-to-3.5mm-jack adapter for connecting my headphones to my iPhone.