Saturday, January 5, 2019

Breakfast at home with Patrick: banana-yogurt pancakes, side of large half sausage, green tea. Installed and configured SpamSieve on the entertainment server MacBook Air—an arduous process partly because of needing to manually create mail folders and a rule, and partly because I have multiple email accounts (doesn't everyone?), and partly because I needed the remote train feature, but I think it's working now. After running some tests, I reset the corpus because I wasn't sure if I had done the initial training correctly. Organized old mail, creating all new filter rules. Organized and weeded old Google Chrome bookmarks. Watched Lady Bird on Netflix DVD with Patrick. This disc had similar problems to the last copy of this film Netflix gave us. It failed to play at all in the macOS DVD Player application. I worked around the problem in VLC, but I don't know exactly how except for just trying different things. Dinner at home with Patrick: Patrick prepared shaking beef with watercress over steamed white rice, Hint. Dessert: leftover pumpkin pie with whipped cream from a can. More organizing old email.