Friday, December 14, 2018

Breakfast at home: leftover chicken curry with steamed white rice. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Various task followup. Comms prep: microsites identity retheme available for testing announcement. Lots of calendar management. Resolved a listserv ownership issue for Rodney. Plancomm team holiday lunch at Murray Circle at Cavallo Point. I rode with Susie, Eric drove Levi and Grant, and James drove on his own. We talked about holiday plans, spouses, pasta, the Polar Bear Skate, hatchbacks, verrines, Napoleon Dynamite and the Netflix prize, and more. I had a corned beef sandwich and fries and saved half of it to go. Susie gave me a ride home. Helped Alexa deliver a holiday html email from OEIS. Dinner at home with Patrick: steamed white rice with leftover chicken cacciatore off the bone, tap water with orange peel, red wine. Dessert: one TJ's candy cane joe joe each. Watched Twin Peaks: A Limited Event Series part 17 on purchased DVD with Patrick and microwave popcorn.