Friday, November 16, 2018

Day 9 of poor air quality due to the Camp Fire. No breakfast. Worked from home due to "very unhealthy" air quality due to the ongoing Camp Fire. Performed a style audit for Susie. Sprint standup. Styling work all day: microsites identity retheme. Lunch: a small cup of leftover gumbo. Snack: tortilla chips. Rode UberX to Paul and Irene's for a house party. I brought two bottles of wine. Met or encountered bartender Bernard (who used to work at The Port but now works at Gibson in Hotel Bisou), stephanie, melissa aka missy, corey, ventura, david, rod, greg, tommy, irene, paul, mario, trey, eric, sean, richie, david m, jef, karl, calvin, tom, bart, doug, christiano. Tommy recommended beasts of the southern wild. Bart talked about china social score alibaba. I wore my Chewbacca onesie and bear slippers thinking that I would go to a onesie party at the Lookout afterwards but I became too tired and didn't. Paul (and Irene?) prepared almost all of the food. Rode UberX home.