Thursday, November 1, 2018

Breakfast at home with Patrick: oatmeal with fixins, 8 ounces of orange juice. Styling work all day: microsites identity retheme and image sizes. Staged the CPF microsite for Leslie F and Esteban. Lunch from The View Cafe: wonton soup with bbq pork, noodles, and vegetables: about $8. Ate in the courtyard. Siteimprove linkchecking. Rode Uber Pool home. Sold Patrick's old Crate & Barrel rustic-modern minimalist Fulton desk for $250 cash to Pauline L via Craigslist. Dinner at home with Patrick: linguine with pumpkin-sage-cardamom sauce and italian sausage, red wine, Hint. Troubleshot and resolved a home networking problem by restarting the router.