Thursday, October 25, 2018

Today was BADCamp 2018 day 2 of 4, but I did not attend on this day. Breakfast at home: leftover slice of apple, leftover half of a banana, leftover ravioli with steak, leftover filet mignon with spinach. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Various Asana task followup. CPT work, including chatting with Sandra S. For lunch I decided to see if the JCC Cafe had changed. A while back it had stopped hot kitchen services so I stopped dining there. Indeed, they had switched providers and rebranded their cafe as Cup+Fork. I had a steak sandwich with fries with water. While I ordered and ate, a really terrific dance performance was in progress in the adjacent hall. I looked it up later: Garret + Moulton Productions presents FREE-FOR-ALL. Proofread a story for Grant and Levi. Styling work: responsive images related to microsites identity retheme. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: beef burgers with french fries, Hint blackberry. Watched Superstore s4:e3 on Hulu Basic Plan with Patrick.