Saturday, October 6, 2018

Breakfast at home with Patrick: brioche french toast with powdered sugar, butter, and maple syrup; coffee with milk. Helped Patrick connect his Nektar SE49 electric piano keyboard to his computer. Caught up on journaling. Unloaded photos from my iPhone X, archived them, and uploaded them to Flickr. Lunch: falafel burgers with pickled onions and baby kale, Hint. Packed for a short trip. Recharge Medical work: published a blog post and editing for an email campaign. Patrick and I listened a bit to Matthew Broussard's Pedantic on Spotify. Got picked up by the 15th Avenue boys with Paul. Phil drove us to Thunderbird House. Dinner at Quyen and Dave's. Met Antonio and César and encountered Maneesh, John, Reider, Elfa, Nate, Quyen, Dave, Richard, Mike, Jonathan. My stomach began hurting during the evening, and my best guess is that it was due to the falafel burger I had had at lunch. Returned to 15th Avenue House and stayed overnight because we were departing on a trip tomorrow.