Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Breakfast at home: two apple spice muffins. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. 1:1 with Eric. Finished Renslo Lab research and projects draft and image remastering, sent to Adam for review. Completed my timesheet. Forwarded a task to Katherine K who completed it within minutes—nice. Completed small changes for Ravinder to the educational data request page. Followup with Ruben about a problem report. Used Illustrator CC to create a California map showing experiential site locations for Eric for Susie. Lunch at desk: leftovers from yesterday. Began work to resolve incorrect levels of headings labelled "More" and "More:" and similar. Handled an unplanned request from Susie for updates to the Kollman lecture event page. Replied to Greg C about a request to add PDF files to the NMR site. Walked and rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs falafel pita sandwiches, Hint, red wine. Recently Patrick started watching episodes of I Love Lucy before bed. Late snack: one apple spice muffin.