Sunday, July 15, 2018

Slept in. Snack with Patrick: hot water, tortilla chips with ranch dressing made from Spice Ace ranch seasoning and sour cream, crinkle-cut french fries with ketchup. Watched The Comedy Lineup p1:e6 Sabrina Jalees on Netflix instant watch. Recharge Medical work: Kybella progression mockup in Photoshop, sent it for review. Kerry and Mom Ryan were supposed to come over for dinner tonight but there was a change of plans and Patrick took the food over to them instead. I'm still somewhat recovering from a cold and stayed home. Red beans and long grain rice, garlic bread, and a Budweiser for Kerry. I rewatched Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 on Netflix instant watch. Late snack and beverage: a handful of rainier cherries, 8 ounces of carrot juice.