Friday, July 6, 2018

Called in sick again, unusually fatigued today. Breakfast: one plum, a small bowl of rainier cherries, hot water. Back to bed, slept until the late afternoon. Snack: one ounce of graham crackers, a bowl of rainier cherries, hot water. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftover cooked pasta with marinara sauce from a jar, Spice Ace spices, and sauteed garlic and cherry tomatoes. Watched part of Star Wars: The Last Jedi on Netflix DVD with Patrick and unsalted, unbuttered popcorn (which I bought without realizing that it was unsalted and unbuttered), mine as is, Patrick's with butter and salt. After Patrick went to bed I did a bit of mold removal by the window in the small bedroom. Late snack: leftover bread pudding with whipped cream.