Saturday, June 9, 2018

Slept in, skipping breakfast and lunch. Dinner at home with Patrick: delivery from Taraval Pizza via italian sausage, garlic, and mushroom on a 14-inch pie, vegetarian salad with blue cheese dressing. Today I decided to stop using Grubhub and Eat24 because they both automatically default to setting a tip. In fact, I could not see a way to complete my order without setting at least a tip of $0.01. Since delivery has been hit or miss for us in the past with many (half?) of our deliveries being disasters—usually meaning very late and cold—we now prefer to tip only in cash in accordance with whether the delivery was on time. It's not fair for food delivery services to ask for a tip up front and then have a delivery be 30 or more minutes late or an item was forgotten in the bag or a pizza topping was missing or some other problem. This is not rocket science. We don't want to set a tip of $0.01 because we don't know what kind of message that sends to the restaurant completing the order. All this is enough to make you want to go back to dealing with phone orders and all the problems that accompany that—poor signal because their connection is a wireless one, poor English speakers / communicators / enunciators / handwriters / typers, etc. I also learned today that about 10 months ago Grubhub bought Eat24 from Yelp. That's probably why both checkout processes have the same problem now. Watched all of John Wick 2 on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Repaired a light fixture that had broken in our kitchen area. Late meal: one slice of leftover pizza, Hint watermelon. Patrick made his beans recipe today.