Thursday, November 9, 2017
Breakfast at home: I prepared two croissant sandwiches with egg, white sharp cheddar, and black forest ham; 8 ounces of orange juice. Rode Uber Pool to UCSF Laurel Heights. Microsites work: SMDC changes. Watched while Eric created a new sopsuite folder and restructured our dev sites with symlinks to it. Arkin Lab draft content edit. Errand: returned an item at Target. Lunch at Chipotle: steak burrito, water. Styling work: began work to redo hero styling from scratch because of spaghetti code. Office celebration: assorted tiny desserts, all delicious. Rode Uber Express Pool home for the first time. Uber Express Pool asks you to walk a little bit before your pickup and after your dropoff and in exchange gives you a fare even lower than Uber Pool. Worked for me, but it seemed unclear that it saved the driver time at the dropoff. Dinner at home with Patrick: Good Eggs sloppy joes with spinach and tomato salad. Finished watching by myself Demetri Martin: Live (At the Time) via downloaded Netflix.