Thursday, January 5, 2017
Breakfast at home with Patrick: ready-to-bake biscuits with various spreads. Rode Uber Pool to UCSF Laurel Heights. Along the way I continued studying Spanish on Duolingo. Followup with IT with a Barracuda problem. Sprint standup. Followup with Eric G and Sachin G about closing completed tickets. Chatted with Susie about orgcharts. Filed pcard paperwork. Lunch at the JCC: hamburger and fries, water. Several times I have ordered this burger medium and it always reaches me with no pink inside. I don't care that much, but someone else might. Chatted with Zev G about a new website build. Craik Lab build. Completed info security refresher training. Orgchart work: BTS, PC, Education. Rode Uber Pool home. Dinner at home with Patrick: chicken marsala with mashed potatoes and mushrooms, dinner roll. Afterwards we decorated cookies shaped like sweaters that Sam had given us for Christmas.