Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Trouble sleeping. Cold continues. Restored our old network configuration that does not have the T-Mobile Cellspot Router since ours seems to be out of commission until a replacement arrives. Upgraded MAMP from 3.4 to 3.5—success. Breakfast: an apple. Continued editing a new novel by Patrick: chapter 12, pass 1. Tim and a contractor returned today to continue troubleshooting our electrical issue, and they resolved it. The problem was as John said yesterday: a wire had burned through somewhere between the circuit breaker panel and the two rooms which were without power. Luckily they found the problem location near the panel and resolved it in the late afternoon. My replacement batteries for my heated house slippers arrived, but at least one of them seems to be faulty. Lunch: leftover split peas over steamed white rice. I wrapped a few gifts that Patrick plans to give to others. Chatted briefly with Travis on Facebook. Dinner at home with Patrick: macaroni and shells with celery, chicken-apple sausage, green onion, parmesan. Dessert from Holy Gelato: mexican chocolate vegan gelato, burgundy cherry gelato. I shopped for clothes online after discovering a new store called ASOS. Watched part of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones on Netflix DVD with Patrick but had to stop partway through because the disc was damaged. We ordered a replacement disc. More work on Tina's website: added a drop shadow to the paintbrush svg element using filter: drop-shadow and -webkit-filter: drop-shadow. Did some reading about Bernie Sanders' position on issues and read his Reddit AMA. Tidied a bit following the resolution of the electrical issue. Did a tiny bit of cable management in the living room. Late snack: chicken and rotelle soup from a can.