Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Breakfast: small bowl of granola with unsweetened soy milk. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Began troubleshooting a problem for Nicole F: faculty data doesn't update as expected. Responded to a question from a student about not receiving messages as expected. Responded to a technology requirements question from a student. Published a PDF file for Sue A. Web edits for Susie: update from the dean sidebar. Web edits for Joel: calendar. Troubleshot a problem delivering clear screenshots to Maria F. Sent Sue A and Joe C a tiny spelling correction for a Qualtrics form under their control. A-Z List request work. Lunch: veggie california on rye with pickle. Comm team meeting. David recently returned from a honeymoon in Italy and brought Italian gifts for everyone. Launched and one-page microsite: CERSI. Responded to a student preferred name change request. Web edit for Cindy: handbook. Forwarded a student issue to the education team. Rode UberX to Williams Sonoma. Bought gifts. Rode UberX to Westin St. Francis, picked up quantum13, then continued on the same ride to the Castro. Dinner at Pesce with quantum13. Joining us late were peter john kelly vishal linna heath ly and two others whose names I didn't get. Left the restaurant at 10:30 PM. Rode UberX home.