Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Did some packing. Rode my bike to UCSF Laurel Heights. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Web edits for Cindy: curriculum. Followup with Adobe InDesign order with SHI. Chris W's request for a staging area is complete—hooray! Edited a welcome message to students about technology requirements. Handled a support request from Kevin L: "This field has been disabled because you do not have sufficient permissions to edit it." Sprint end meeting with Eric, Paula, David, and Greg. Snack: a banana from View Cafe: 60 cents. Followup with ITS about various issues. Followup with Daliah about a Jazzee issue she reported. Followup with Rodney about TreeAge licensing. Answered a question about technology requirements for entering student EM. Followup with a problem reported by Sue A about our PharmCAS page. Listserv management: added two names to one of the fraternity lists. Followup with an Active Directory display name change. Followup with Michelle A about her forthcoming lab website. Downloaded and installed SiteSucker 2.4.5 for OS X. I'm using 10.8.4 and it crashed upon launch. Restarting the computer did not resolve the problem. Repairing disk permissions did not resolve the problem. Uninstall and reinstall did not resolve the problem. Disk Verify reported no problems. I sent an email support request to the author, Rick Cranisky. Lunch at the JCC: vegetable soup, turkey sandwich on fancy hamburger bun. Met with Sara G about the Roy Lab website. Worked in Drupal with lab websites and our preview site for PharmD resolving issues and encountering new problems. Chatted with Eric to resolve some of the problems. Rode my bike home. Dinner at home with Patrick: penne with meat sauce made with tomatos from the Honmas. Recharge Spa work for Drew and Phil. Trip planning. More packing. Replaced a 35-watt halogen light bulb for the light fixture above our kitchen sink. Late snack: star pasta meal from a can, water.